Men’s Ministry

The Love Fellowship Baptist Church Men’s Ministry seeks to Learn and Grow together in God’s Word while Building Leaders, Strengthening Families, and Impacting the Church and Community for the Glory of God.  The Love Fellowship Men’s Ministry focuses on the following areas of support for men:

Christian Growth
Strengthen Families
Education and Knowledge Growth
Support of the Body
Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry is an outreach of Love Fellowship Baptist Church whose goal is to meet the needs of the women of the church by providing opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth.  These activities may include, but are not limited to, special dinners, conferences, retreats, and Bible studies, with the goal of encouragement and the building up of one another in love.

All activities are planned by a committee of volunteers, and any woman of the church is welcomed to serve on this committee.  The goal of the committee is to choose and implement events that exalt God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as edify and serve the women of LFBC.

Youth Ministry
Children and Youth Ministry exists to support families in the development of their children, to train children and youth who will model their lives after the character of God, unite in public worship, promote God’s love among the body, tell others about Christ, and who will reach out to others spiritually, socially, and economically.



Evangelism is sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with those who don’t yet have a personal relationship with Him.  God has chosen to use His people to help complete His plan for salvation.  Jesus’ last words remind us that we are called to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8). As our youth grow in their faith, they must learn that evangelism is not only their responsibility as believers but also their privilege. Evangelism is a process—not a program!


    Worship is celebrating God’s presence and honoring Him with our lifestyle. It is our reason for existence.  (Romans 12:1).  Everything we do in our youth ministry should be done because we love God and desire to honor and worship Him with our lifestyle.  Worship is expressed in several ways, such as praying (Ps. 95:6), hearing the word (John 17:17; Deut. 31:11), giving (I Cor. 16:1-2), baptizing (Rom. 6:3-4), meditating (Hab. 2:20), and partaking of the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:23-26).


    After students become believers, they are welcomed into the fellowship of believers (Eph. 2:19). God did not intend for Christians to live in isolation, but in fellow-ship with other believers and to be identified as the body of Christ.  True fellowship happens when students are known, cared for, held accountable, and encouraged in their spiritual journey.


    Discipleship describes the building up or strengthening of believers in their quest to be like Christ. The Scriptures are filled with commands to mature and grow up in faith (Heb. 6:1).  Discipleship is a lifelong process that God uses to bring us to maturity in Christ.  Healthy discipleship flourishes under spiritual leaders who are willing to do the possible.  They consistently plant seeds and water students’ faith.  All this is done with faith that God will do the impossible and bring growth (I Cor. 3:6-7).


    Ministry can be defined as “meeting needs with love.” God has blessed every believer with special gifts to be used for ministry.  In our youth ministry we need to clearly communicate that these God-given gifts don’t come with an age limitation.  Students shouldn’t have to wait until they are adults to minister.  A healthy youth ministry will constantly encourage students to discover their gifts and put them into practice through ministry and mission opportunities.
Choir Ministry

The Choir Ministry’s purpose is to involve saints in Christ Jesus and others in an atmosphere of worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ.  The Choir is made up of dedicated saints doing what God said to do in its guiding scriptures, Psalm 150.  Its guiding principles are:

  • Coming before God with praise and singing.
  • Lifting God up above everything
  • Encouraging others to join in praising God through song
  • Giving God all glory
  • Giving of voices and talents to the One who gave the talent of singing
  • Striving to plant the seed of the only One who can save souls from eternal torment, Jesus Christ.
Women on Mission

Women on Mission is the organized body of women of Love Fellowship whose purpose is to help fulfill the churches mission, maximize resources, unify the congregation of women, and enhance fellowship while ministering, serving, and meeting the needs of the internal congregation and external communities (far and near).  WOM accomplishes its purpose through:

  • Outreach – Service to others
  • Fellowship – Personal interaction with each other and those in the local community
  • Support – Tennessee, National, and International mission work
  • Prayer – Engage in and promote continuous prayer
  • Giving – Time, resources and talents
  • Exhortation — Encouraging and lifting others up
Prayer Ministry

The purpose of the Prayer Ministry is to proclaim Christ, share His love by praying with and for the lost, those that are oppressed, sick, homebound, and the many sins that are overtaking our children, schools, and communities.   The Prayer Ministry’s goal is to encourage others through prayer and to raise awareness of the power of prayer in bringing peace, joy, and hope in every situation and for those who live daily with an attitude of prayer; circumstances do not keep them from rejoicing and giving thanks.  

 The Prayer Ministry encourage and promote the power of pray within the church building, in the local community and throughout the city through prayer telephone conference calls to the sick and shut-in, in-home prayer, community prayer events, interactive prayer within our church, with church families, Pastor and his family, the bereaved, the lost, the universal church, the nation, and the world.
Sunday B.L.A.S.T. (Biblical Life Application Study & Training)
The purposes of Sunday B.L.A.S.T:
  1. To recognize and trust the authority of the word of God as we learn more about the Lord through his Holy Scriptures.
  1. Through study, discover that Jesus Christ seeks a relationship with all who desire Him, resulting in salvation.
  1. Equip the saints to mature in their faith to serve in their homes, church ministry and to non-believers by spreading the good news of the gospel thereby building up the body of Christ.
Usher Ministry
The purpose of Ushers-Greeter Ministry is to do the Will of our Heavenly Father, as we meet, greet and find seating for all attending Worship Service.   We strive to be kind, tolerant, and patient.  We also strive to insure that everything done is done in a decent and orderly fashion as God.   
Transportation Ministry

The transportation ministry’s purpose is to reach others with the gospel by providing transportation so that they can attend church where they can learn about the things of God through Sunday school and Worship.

Security Ministry

Listening to a sermon is a significant experience—When Holy Spirit is speaking to someone and there’s a disturbance, that experience can be broken.  Like the Israelites in Nehemiah’s day, we not only have the right to worship the God of the Bible but we have an obligation to provide a safe environment for those who attend Love Fellowship to worship God freely.   Ultimately, the purpose and goal of the security teams is to protect the integrity of worshipers’ worship experience and the environment in which they receive the Word that is being preached.  Worshipers are not to be naïve and cognizant of what is happening in their surroundings. The Security Team keeps watch on the premises to deter any potential disturbances or threats by being proactive, not just reactive.